Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans ELi5 how Tranexamic acid (TXA) works in the body when used to treat hemorrhage/fluid resuscitation? 122 views 2 Ans why are nuclei sort of spherical? 155 views 1 Ans What cause stagflation in the 2020s? 141 views 2 Ans why do different downloaders exist for different sites? 157 views 1 Ans Why is an asset considered ‘risky’ if its payoffs covary with consumption? 122 views 3 Ans Why are wines described as ‘dry’ or ‘sweet’ instead of ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ 174 views 13 Ans Just read somewhere that the shortest path between two locations is an arc and not a straight line! eli5 how an arc is the shortest path for planes. 503 views 10 Ans eli5 football (soccer) extra time 363 views 5 Ans Why do our fingers have different levels of dexterity? 223 views 4 Ans ELI5- How do people find lost or unknown relatives through DNA if the lost relative has never taken a DNA test? 218 views 3 Ans Eli5 what kind of force is required to sustain a concussion? 171 views 3 Ans what happens to the billions of leaves that blow into bodies of water each year? 143 views 8 Ans Is atmosphere affected by tidal forces ? why? 327 views 7 Ans What tools do play-by-play sports announcers have to help them identify players on the field when it’s sometimes so hard to see even on a giant screen? 246 views 4 Ans How is our body able withstand the pressure of miles of air in the atmosphere? 186 views 14 Ans Why is moon so full of craters but earth isnt. 533 views 3 Ans What do food product labels that say “whole wheat” or “100% whole grain wheat” mean? Are these better for health? 135 views 8 Ans Why can’t you install MacOS on an Intel-based PC, but Windows can be installed on Intel-based Mac hardware? 264 views 17 Ans – Why do NFL teams basically play one quarterback all/every game, while MLB teams play multiple pitchers? 566 views 10 Ans why fish can’t breathe in air despite air having plenty of oxygen 365 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,644 2,645 2,646 2,647 2,648 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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