Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 8 Ans ELI5; Putting pets and animals down 392 views 1 Ans why does time feel like it goes faster at night? 187 views 1 Ans why do some bags of frozen food have slits or holes in the bag? 161 views 4 Ans do the astronauts in the space station age differently than us on earth 305 views 2 Ans eli5: how does the driving stunt where they drive on a vertical wall in a circle work. Had to describe it like this as it contains a banned word.. but yeah.. can kinda understand bikes as bikes go fast and are light brrrr how does a +1 ton car go on the full vertical part and not fall off 187 views 2 Ans ELI5, how can we lose an average 100 hairs a day and not go bald? 233 views 4 Ans How does the body turn calories into energy? is it the stomach that does all the work? 345 views 2 Ans eli5 what is the camera-lens (and/or exposure triangle) equivalent of the human eye? 201 views 1 Ans eli5 why are the cascades so far inland when the juan de fuca and north American plate meet in the ocean 165 views 7 Ans Sugar free drinks contribute to obesity? 326 views 1 Ans I don’t understand what my SDD does. 162 views 1 Ans What happens if one smaller country doesn’t approve the Microsoft/Activision deal? 152 views 11 Ans Eli5: Some ice cream recipes put ice + salt outside the recipient to make it cool faster. But in the winter, salt is put on snow on the street to melt faster. Why one make cool and other melt? 514 views 1 Ans what “rooster crowing” means 136 views 1 Ans What is a Linear Time Invariant System? 199 views 7 Ans Why does paying off your debt lower your credit score? 343 views 1 Ans Why does the parent-child brain misfire for people who are pedophiles? 138 views 9 Ans Why does just 1.5C° of heating make such a significant difference on Earth’s climate and environment? 408 views 5 Ans how does gear ratio work? 281 views 1 Ans how do image hosting websites generate revenue? 355 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,646 2,647 2,648 2,649 2,650 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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