Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans The stroboscopic effect 167 views 1 Ans Why is getting both insoluble and soluble fiber important? What would happen if someone only ate food that contained one and barely the other for a prolonged period of time? 164 views 2 Ans In sports, what is an athlete’s “ceiling” and how do professional scouts determine that ceiling? 159 views 4 Ans How does someone just crest math like calculus? 261 views 3 Ans Eli5, how do contracted Blood Vessels lead to Increased Cardiac Preload? 262 views 2 Ans Were those big castle gates typically push or pull and did it matter? 230 views 12 Ans ELI5. Why do active noise cancelling headphones/earbuds not protect your hearing? 744 views 6 Ans Eli5: Mortgage rates 397 views 8 Ans what causes symptoms when a person is exposed to cold temperatures? 389 views 4 Ans How can we fit entire 3D open world games on such small devices? 257 views 18 Ans Eli5: Why do adults sleep with pillows when babies do not? What are the benefits of using a pillow as an adult? 794 views 1 Ans Why isn’t Earth as rocky as Mars? 157 views 5 Ans Eli5 Why there arent like 20gb USBs instead each usb has twice as much as the previous(8gb,16gb,32gb,64gb,128gb 270 views 2 Ans Why aren’t ultracapacitors used more often as range extenders in Hybrids? 268 views 11 Ans Are cows constantly producing milk? 688 views 7 Ans ELI5, why do viruses and bacteria have many of the same symptoms when they infect a human? 378 views 6 Ans why vehicles use 12v electric systems? Why a seemingly strange arbitrary figure like 12? Why not 10? 317 views 1 Ans Microbial co-cultures (consortia) 255 views 1 Ans What is the logic behind having a discount percentage for lease contract? what discount really mean? 167 views 16 Ans Eli5: how did we get to the point where laptops and phones are in the same price range ? 635 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,648 2,649 2,650 2,651 2,652 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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