Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 13 Ans How lung capacity increases when doing consistent cardio and what happens anatomically? 435 views 10 Ans What does a scientist mean when she say ““It’s rare nowadays to have fundamental discoveries in science”? 331 views 2 Ans Eli5 how do babies find things funny ? Like a peckaboo? 187 views 4 Ans How do the many moons of the planet, Saturn, manage to survive from being annihilated by its ring system? 224 views 8 Ans Are my Bohemian ancestors and my Czechoslovakian ancestors the same ethnic group and/or culture? 348 views 3 Ans Eli5 why is the urge to pee increased when one is submerged in water? 190 views 4 Ans Concentrations 233 views 5 Ans Why are some fruit poisonous? Shouldn’t fruit be more edible so that more animals eat it and disperse the seeds? 260 views 6 Ans When a helicopter lands on a moving yacht, how come it doesn’t slide when it touches the yacht? How does it just lock on with the yacht? 304 views 1 Ans How are we able to emulate how other people speak and articulate specific words in our heads even though we have not heard them say a specific word before? 154 views 8 Ans why is it necessary to buy a new car from an auto dealership? 395 views 5 Ans Eli5 how do some headphones know the dB to the sound your listening to? 228 views 8 Ans Why sea is called sea and not an ocean? 305 views 4 Ans Eli5 : why are water bottles offly aerodynamic ?why its not just a cube or cylinder? 289 views 25 Ans eli5: How does an economy grow if the money supply doesnt increase in that same year? In gold standard suppose, gold reserves are not increased but economy still manages to grow. How is that possible, how is an economy growing on a stable money supply? 775 views 9 Ans Eli5 – What is a BIOS in computers? 437 views 3 Ans eli5 What happens in our body/brain when we naturally wake up? Is it like starting a PC, where pressing a button kickstarts all the processes? 243 views 6 Ans How is cancer detected even before symptoms show up? 314 views 28 Ans Why are there Duty Free stores? 1.01K views 3 Ans Eli5: Please explain the Stationary-action principle 207 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,970 2,971 2,972 2,973 2,974 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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