Try it with fractions instead of decimals. Squaring anything less than a whole number you are multiplying a fraction by a fraction, which will result in a smaller number.
For example:
1/4 * 1/4
You are finding a quarter of a quarter, which is 1/16. The denominator is getting larger but the numerator remains the same.
Squaring a number is essentially multiplying that number by itself. So, this not a squaring issue, but more of a multiplication issue. Whenever you multiply by between 0 and 1, you get a smaller number.
When you multiply a whole number by a whole number, you get a bigger whole number. When you multiply a fraction by a fraction, you get a bigger fraction. However, a bigger fraction is technically a smaller number. 0.5 x 0.5 is 0.25. 0.25 is more fractured of a number than 0.5, but that makes it numerically less. Or in fraction form, 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4. In this case, then numerator of the fraction become larger. However, larger numerator create a number of lower value.
It makes sense in the real life too. Let’s say you have half a pie. John then gets half of that half, so what does John get? That’s a quarter. By multiplying a half by a half, you have less than half.
When you square something, it’s shorthand for saying “MULTIPLY IT BY ITSELF”. So think that way.
2 squared is 2 multiplied by 2, that’s “two twos”. 3 squared is 3 multiplied by 3, that’s “three threes”.
***When you multiply any positive number by something bigger than 1, you get a larger number.*** So squaring any number bigger than 1 results in a larger number.
Now let’s look at 0.2. It’s actually one-fifth. When you square it, you’re saying 0.2 * 0.2. That’s the same as saying “one fifth of one fifth”.
A fifth of *anything* is SMALLER than that thing. And that’s what you’re doing.
How about 0.5? That’s actually one half. Why you square it, you’re saying 0.5 * 0.5 or “one half of one half”. Once again, half of anything is SMALLER than that thing.
***When you multiply any positive number by something between 0 and 1, you get a smaller number.*** So squaring any number between 0 and 1 results in a smaller number.
Multiplying anything by a number between 0 and 1 will result in a smaller number. Squaring a number (or any other exponent) is just another way to write multiplication.
Perhaps it will also help to look at a graph:
When x > 1, x^2 is larger than x. When x < 1, x^2 is smaller than x. When x is exactly 1, they’re equal.
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