2038 problem and potential fixes for it.


I understand the issue itself and when I read the Wikipedia it has list of solutions at the bottom that numerous different programing languages and programs have implemented. Are these solutions widespread? Is the issue itself sort of overblown with how technology exists today?

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5 Answers

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The main way we will fix this is by moving by 32 bit processors to 64 bit processors. On the consumer end, we’ve basically done this. The 32 bit processors are mostly going to be older computers, and we suspect that by 2038, these will have been replaced as people decide to upgrade to better computers.

It may be a problem for more industrial applications where a computer may be used as a part of a device meant to last decades. Those will require a bit more work to fix. They will either need to be replaced or we’ll need to write software that can handle larger dates. It’s also possible that they won’t need any changes, even if their processor is 32 bit because it’s being used by some application that isn’t concerned with the date. We will want to test those systems to make sure that they could keep functioning after 2038.

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