2038 problem and potential fixes for it.


I understand the issue itself and when I read the Wikipedia it has list of solutions at the bottom that numerous different programing languages and programs have implemented. Are these solutions widespread? Is the issue itself sort of overblown with how technology exists today?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> Are these solutions widespread?

They are ’bout to be, and there will be many coffee mugs emptied and bank accounts filled in the process.

> Is the issue itself sort of overblown with how technology exists today?

Nah, as always the old crap that’s designed to be tossed out and remade in 10 years tends to be the stuff that survives for 50. Plenty of important stuff still running Windows XP (or on an [IBM AS/400](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/AS/400)) that will need to be dusted off and patched.

And, once again as usual, programmers fix the issue on time and nothing happens, people will laugh about how it was overblown and nothing needed to be done after all.

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