With the new technologies that surpass the current limit, are born new necessities that put a limit on the new tech, effectively renewing the cycle.
Remember when the internet was all about text?, New and faster connections allowed for the images to enter the conversation, so new necessities were born for the new connections, when those limits got surpassed with new technologies once again, the videos entered the game, again, new limit, and when that was surpassed live streaming entered the game.
View it as PC: Old text boards, Facebook memes, YouTube videos, Twitch Streams.
In phones: SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Memes, YouTube Videos, TikTok videos.
Basically 3G was fast for what we used to do, the necessities were on par with the internet connections we had back then. Just a few images and mostly text, But now the necessities we have are way higher than back then, which are mostly videos and a lot of pictures and highly developed web infrastructure.
PS: i used to love a quote/question from the Jurassic Park book, I’m paraphrasing since i don’t remember it exactly: “why mom’s take the same time to clean the house as they took 50 years ago when they didn’t have any of these automatic and efficient machines?”
And the answer is that with new tools, new necessities are born, the mom takes the same time with more tools because since she has more facilities to clean faster, she can afford to dirty more, since she knows she’ll be able to clean.
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