Terminal and all that other shit, I follow you. Command lines. Fine. I don’t know what the Linux terms mean, but I understand command lines etc… But GNOME… what the fuck is it? Is it a suite? an environment? Every Linux user explains things like I’ve already been a user for a few years and all of them have forgotten what being NEW actually is.
Ironically, the WORST place to find Linux environments explained simply and clearly from the bottom up: The Internet.
This is where I remind and beg: Like. I’m. FIVE.
In: 81
Windows has everything of its own. Its own booting process, file system, terminal emulator (command prompt) and the Desktop Environment (the Desktop, My Documents,the media player, image previews, the Windows theme, icons and sounds, Recycle Bin, etc)
In linux based operating sysyems (or better GNU/linux), you can use different Desktop Environments (DE) talking to internals (the famous Linux Kernel)
You can switch using them as you prefer. They come with a set of tools and utilities.
Gnome and KDE are 2 popular Desktop Env that can be used with other parts to make a full working “distribution”, ready to be installed and used.
The choice of DEs is mostly esthetics (but many many people will strongly disagree with that 🙂
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