Terminal and all that other shit, I follow you. Command lines. Fine. I don’t know what the Linux terms mean, but I understand command lines etc… But GNOME… what the fuck is it? Is it a suite? an environment? Every Linux user explains things like I’ve already been a user for a few years and all of them have forgotten what being NEW actually is.
Ironically, the WORST place to find Linux environments explained simply and clearly from the bottom up: The Internet.
This is where I remind and beg: Like. I’m. FIVE.
In: 81
As a very rough analogy, think about early Windows. When you booted, it loaded msdos then started a graphical interface (wn 3.1). When you boot a Linux system, it loads a graphical environment like gnome. There are other environments like KDE, they work the same way but have a different look and feel
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