A foot is approx. 1/3 of a meter. Why isn’t a sq ft 1/3rd of a sq meter?


A foot is 0,30m and a sq ft is 0,09m. I know some will say because 0,3 times 0,3 is 0,09 but that wouldn’t explain the break of logic as I perceive it.

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28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Areas scale by the square of the distance of a side, while distances scale linearly.

Think about one foot vs. two feet, and the area of a square with sides of one foot vs. two feet. The area of a square with sides of one foot is one square foot, but the area of a square with sides of two feet is four square feet.

When you are talking about square meters you are talking about squares each with a side of a meter. That is obviously going to be more than 3 times that of a square with sides of 1/3 of a meter.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Picture the sizes as literal squares. Start with a square one meter on each side—that’s one square meter. Divide it into thirds both horizontally *and* vertically, so you have three columns and three rows. Each row or column has three squares that are a foot on each side—ergo, nine square feet inside one square meter.

You’re dividing by three twice, once for length and once for height, hence the 1/9th instead of 1/3rd.


Yes a square meter is technically 10.7639 square feet, not nine, but that’s beside the point being made here.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You perceive it incorrectly. The first guys answer is right.

1 ft x 1 ft = 1 Sq ft. 3 ft x 3 ft = 9 Sq ft.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s use yards…

A sq yard is 9 sq feet so 1sq ft is only 1/9th of the area.


I hope that makes more sense

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

>I know some will say because 0,3 times 0,3 is 0,09 but that wouldn’t explain the break of logic as I perceive it.

But that is the explanation. If you split the meter into feet you split is approximately 3 equal parts. You should use 0.333… as 1/3, not 0.3 and 0.333 x 0.333 =0.1111. that is is the same as 1/(3 x 3) =1/9

A square is an area unit, not a distance unit so you need to do it alone on both axes of it. an area is a 2D unit so you need to do the same along both axes. Take a square that has a 1-meter side and take tow sides and divide them into 3 parts. Extend the point you split in and you get 9 squares

Look at [this image](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PnLYRqe0k9g/SrZVFIEdT8I/AAAAAAAAANA/Tn-7OIm1U1g/s320/3×3-Square-Grid.png) consider you make the large square with 1-meter sides and then smaller with 1 feet side, you can need to put rows in 3 columns to cover the square meter so 3×3 = 9 squares so it is 1/9

Try it practically by cutting paper and have one square with where the side is 1/3 of a larger square and cut enough of them to cover the larger square,

If you compare cubic feet to cubic meters you can fit 3 cubes in each direction and you need 27 cubes so 1 cubic foot is approximately 1/27 =0.037 cubic meters.

Anonymous 0 Comments

draw a nice 3×3 square. and make lines vertically and horizonally for each inch. now darken the lines 1 inch from a corner of choice. You’ve gone 1/3 the way each time, but the darker square is only 1/9 the size of your original square.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have a look at this image.

Imagine the big square is 1 m. 1 m is then divided into thirds. THe overall square is 1 m^2

Each smaller square is 0.333 x 0.333 which is 0.111 m^2. There are 9 of them in 1 m^2.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Picture the sizes as literal squares. Start with a square one meter on each side—that’s one square meter. Divide it into thirds both horizontally *and* vertically, so you have three columns and three rows. Each row or column has three squares that are a foot on each side—ergo, nine square feet inside one square meter.

You’re dividing by three twice, once for length and once for height, hence the 1/9th instead of 1/3rd.


Yes a square meter is technically 10.7639 square feet, not nine, but that’s beside the point being made here.