– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?


– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?

In: 4244

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two types.
1) Physically cables that are purpose built (financials, banking, government, big business co-operatives etc) Find a company that provides, meet their requirements to fulfill the purpose, invest in more physical cables to your work place, then open firefox.
2) A smaller group encrypting their data in a particular way and only telling those in the know. Join such a group, sign into their server with your username and password, receive the global password of the day, and firefox and start enjoying websites that were otherwise encrypted (via the password of the day) .

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