– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?


– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?

In: 4244

27 Answers

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Okay imagine you and a friend have really important information that you need to share with one another, it’s so important you can’t let anyone else I even know it exists. You could put that information in an envelope get in your car and drive to your friends, but unfortunately there’s other traffic on the road and this will slow you down (this is the normal internet) So you and your friend think hey wouldn’t it be better if I could just get this straight to you, so you build a road between yours and his and whenever you need to send and receive information you can drive at top speed to one another without any other traffic on the route, this is the (private internet your friend is talking about,typically fiber lines running from one location to another)

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