– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?


– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?

In: 4244

27 Answers

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The internet as a whole connects people from all over the world, to each other and to websites. It works by letting people download files from faraway servers to their devices. (Websites are made from files, your device just knows to automatically download and display them rather than saving them in a folder.)

Some companies have private files that they want to share with employees, but not the whole world. They can create a private network, and make the files only available to people connected to that network. For example when you go to a business and they have a no-password wifi network called “company_customers” and another password protected one called “company_official,” the second one is the private network. You access it like regular wifi, you just need the password.

The way the question is phrased makes it sound like you might have a misconception. There is not “the” secondary private internet. There are many private internets- people at home may have a password-protected wifi network so their neighbors can’t access, say, their wireless printer. Company wifi networks are the same.

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