– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?


– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?

In: 4244

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

On a home scale, a private network is filled with addresses that mean nothing when used in public. A jar of cookies (shared drive) might be next to the fridge, but telling someone downtown that there’s cookies next to the fridge doesn’t do anything. They would need access to your house first.

For some instances, businesses have physical hardware inside the buildings they own that just talk to one another, a small internet within their walls. If you pay enough money you can have cables run, beam long range wifi etc. And include multiple buildings to this physically separated private network. To gain access to these, you need to be in their buildings.

But that’s old and people want to work from home, they want to be at the office virtually. Businesses will issue specific Virtual Private Network programs/settings to enable people from anywhere with internet to be treated like they’re on site, with access to the fridge and all the cookies next to it.

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