– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?


– A friend of mine in IT is always talking about the “secondary” or “private” internet network that big name corporations operate on, outside of “normal internet” traffic. What is this network, and how is it accessed?

In: 4244

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>What is this network, and how is it accessed?

It is internal network. It is accessed internally by that companys access points.

If you have home router/wifi, it is much the same thing. All the computers and devices in your home operate on you private home network, however you can also access eternal network aka The Internet. Corporations can if needed also install their own private communication lines (fibre cables) between their different locations to not have impact on or by external users.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some states have their own networks in NC it’s called NCREN education and research network, it’s fiber that all the universities and other entities are connected to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Okay imagine you and a friend have really important information that you need to share with one another, it’s so important you can’t let anyone else I even know it exists. You could put that information in an envelope get in your car and drive to your friends, but unfortunately there’s other traffic on the road and this will slow you down (this is the normal internet) So you and your friend think hey wouldn’t it be better if I could just get this straight to you, so you build a road between yours and his and whenever you need to send and receive information you can drive at top speed to one another without any other traffic on the route, this is the (private internet your friend is talking about,typically fiber lines running from one location to another)

Anonymous 0 Comments

probably talking about intranet, which is a private network cordoned off from regular “dirty” internet traffic by a firewall. companies create intranets to protect internal data systems from snooping and attacks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Remember when WAN meant this? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two types.
1) Physically cables that are purpose built (financials, banking, government, big business co-operatives etc) Find a company that provides, meet their requirements to fulfill the purpose, invest in more physical cables to your work place, then open firefox.
2) A smaller group encrypting their data in a particular way and only telling those in the know. Join such a group, sign into their server with your username and password, receive the global password of the day, and firefox and start enjoying websites that were otherwise encrypted (via the password of the day) .

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s typically called their intranet. It’s a local network that can function just like the internet but is limited to local access or people who remotely log in.

They can be set up in a multitude of ways but most operate on private/restricted IP addresses. https://www.arin.net/reference/research/statistics/address_filters/

It’s access normally. These addresses are reserved that’s why you’ll never find someone with an Internet IP address in the 192.x.x.x range. If someone does say that’s their IP then they’re only looking at their local network IP.

At this point pretty much all homes run a private internet. That’s how you can have multiple devices on the same public IP address.

It’s kinda like how apartments have numbers but also share a main address. Think of apartments as computers in a local network and their street address as their internet IP address.