A lot of military infantry training involves getting extremely muddy / sandy / dirty etc. – how does their laundry cope with it all?


Lots of military training seems to get participants even dirtier than the kids in detergent advertisements – how do military personnel manage all this washing and ironing to get them looking immaculate again? How do their machines cope with all the grime?

I have clothes that, no matter what, will never get shiny white again – do militaries just throw this sort of stuff away knowing it’ll never be appropriate for the parade ground again?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Industrial washing machines are something else…I used to work oilfield, one of the few places that’s probably consistently dirtier than military (along with mining). Those things are to your home washing machine like a main battle tank is to a VW beetle. They are *far* larger, *far* more powerful, *far* hotter, and basically come with their own infrastructure (heaters, filters, reclamation, industrial detergents, etc.). They will demolish delicate clothing (I had one cook the soles right off a pair of sneakers), which is partly why military clothing has to be super durable.

Formal uniforms are just that…formal. Don’t get them dirty. Dry-clean. Iron. Carefully store until needed for the next formal thing. Not for day-to-day use.

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