A person who has nistsgmus, always sees things moving?


Or does their brain supress the automatic movement?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve had nystagmus since birth. I never see things moving unless I’m extremely tired, to the point of being ready to fall over with exhaustion. Even then, it’s more that I notice my eyes moving and not the object I’m looking at.

It must be that my brain filters out any shaking or movement. The result of it is that I can’t see clearly objects and people at a distance, and it can take me longer than normal to notice moving objects. It’s not safe for me to drive for those reasons. I did try to learn but I gave up when I realised how dangerous a driver I was.

I think it’s different for people who get nystagmus later in life. Anything I have read about that suggests that they can have major difficulties.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My brother has this, his eyes basically just bounce around. He has a lot of trouble reading and focusing on things, he loves video games and will usually sit at an angle to the tv because he’s found that if he’s using peripheral vision his eyes don’t jitter back and forth as much. I would say his brain does suppress the automatic movement most of the time, but things that require high focus like reading are difficult.