A question about invasive species

607 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Hey so I get the idea of an invasive species being a species that’s none local to a place and is causing damage to it but can someone please if a species is introduced to an area where it’s not native to but instead of causing harm to the environment or ecosystem is instead actually very beneficial to it is it still considered an invasive species?/Answered but feel free to still respond if you want

In: Planetary Science

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on how you define the term “invasive species”. Many laws define it as being an organism that causes or is likely to cause ecological or economic harm. If that is the definition then a foreign yet beneficial organism would not be an invasive species.

Other definitions just say any non-native species is an invasive species, and in that case you could have an invasive species that nobody really is worried about.

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