ADHD Paralysis


What is it and why does the body do it? It seems like the mind is telling the person to do something but one cannot get themselves to actually do it.

In: 521

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two great YouTube channels**-Living with ADHD** and **ADHD Love (?)**

I was diagnosed at 44 with ADHD but found out six months ago after my 50th that I have Complex type ADHD. They are worlds apart in treatment, but both share the self-loathing, feelings of failure, and so much more that I couldn’t list it all here.

The depressing part is the suicide rate of ADHD with comorbidities and age progression is sickening, but as our depression brethren will tell you they are told, we are told to “get over it”, “snap out of it”, and “just pay attention!”

**If you are or think you are ADHD, please get help now.** If you think you have or have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or spectrum designation, scream until they find you someone who specializes in Complex ADHD.

It’s six months later, I’m still waiting on a doctor, and my entire life has now become crystal clear. So many wasted decades because in my generation we were just “fuck ups.”

Do NOT be ashamed to get the help you deserve. We can’t allow the neuro-typicals to continue to dismiss us, as we are almost 10% of the world, and the next branch of evolution.

“We are the future, Charles-not them.” -Magneto

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