ADHD Paralysis


What is it and why does the body do it? It seems like the mind is telling the person to do something but one cannot get themselves to actually do it.

In: 521

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I could be wrong, but I believe it has something to do with the dopamine-reward system. Because there people with ADHD are effectively deficient in dopamine, they don’t get the dopamine reward from doing little tasks. Not only does this make doing little boring things less enjoyable, their brain actually interprets the absence/lack of dopamine reward for a given task as a negative result as if it’s a bad thing, similar to doing something dangerous or scary.
So their brain is kind of treating certain tasks as something unsafe, or scary (“WOAH, STAY AWAY FROM THAT, THATS BAD FOR YOU”), even though it might just be something like starting their homework.

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