ADHD Paralysis


What is it and why does the body do it? It seems like the mind is telling the person to do something but one cannot get themselves to actually do it.

In: 521

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The correct term is “executive dysfunction”, but as for the “why”, I don’t know. The way I describe the sensation is that it’s almost akin to inertia: all normal matter has mass, and a physical property of mass is that it has inertia relative to its mass. When something has a lot of mass, it’s difficult to change its velocity, meaning it’s hard both to speed it up and to slow it down. Similarly, when someone has ADHD it can be harder for them to change what they are doing, both to begin a new thing they wish to start, or to quit the current thing they wish to stop. In this way executive dysfunction can be like having increased inertia. I have found that some medications help me with this, but as with most things in the ADHD world, your mileage may vary.

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