after eating do we feel full based on the volume of the food we eat or the calories we consume?


after eating do we feel full based on the volume of the food we eat or the calories we consume?

In: Biology

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your question has already been answered, just wanted to add that I recommend Why We Eat (Too Much) by Dr Andrew Jenkinson. I’m reading this at the moment and on a chapter explaining leptin, ghrelin and satiety very well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s literally just volume, hence why overweight and obese people who struggle with controlling their calorie intake get surgeries that decrease the size of the stomach. It is also why eating a lot of vegetables and drinking water fills u up despite its very low calorie content.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volume for sure. I’ve done a lot of experimenting 😬

I think calories will make you feel satisfied longer. I can drink a Diet Coke and feel full, but not for long

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bit of both. Many things contribute to you feeling hunger. Your blood sugar levels, how full your stomach is, and certain hormones can make you feel hungry or full.

Lots of the characteristics of the food you eat matter too. What type of food(carb/protein/fat), fiber content, water content, even the food being hot or cold can make a difference.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a great book called Proteinaholic where a bariatric surgeon talks about this exact topic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can get full eating a large portion of something that has almost no calories.
Like lettuce.
Calories don’t get you full , volume does.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have seen somewhere, that if you cut a strawberry into slices, and eat slowly. One descent size strawberry will make you full. I’ve never tried it…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volume is a significant component. Eating high volume, low cal food is one way tactic for reducing caloric intake. Eat a CostCo bag of brocoli and see if you feel full.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also your personal gut biome.

I am full after eating a yogurt but try to eat something about every hour. Not being able to eat normally is a job.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How would the body detect “calories” in such a short period of time?