after eating do we feel full based on the volume of the food we eat or the calories we consume?


after eating do we feel full based on the volume of the food we eat or the calories we consume?

In: Biology

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

hm…. eating 1000 calories in chocolate and 1000 calories in potatoes… well… i´d say VOLUME plays a major role.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s many things combined, including volume of food, composition of food, but also time of day, your mood, if you are busy, how fast you eat, how the food is served and so on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are multiple satiety signals. Some detect the amount of stretch, some detect certain nutrients such as proteins and fats.

You can get very full on a small volume of food if it has a high fat content. But for most people, eating fat alone doesn’t seem to be enough to trigger satiety.

Other hormones that play a role in satiety:
Peptide YY

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volume of food. Your stomach has nerves which sense how much it has expanded. This is why if you eat faster you’re more prone to overeating than if you eat more slowly.