After WW2, where did the idea of going to the moon came from?


After WW2, where did the idea of going to the moon came from?

In: 233

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Interestingly, going to the moon was NEVER popular with the average American. I have an old book “[The Case for Going to the Moon](” that.. makes the case for.. going to the moon.

It cites that polls of the time show people preferred to use tax money to help citizens and not on rockets. Not even a majority of scientists thought it was a good use of money. This is treated as a problem in the book, but is it?

NASA today feels almost like a secular religion in the US, but isn’t it unethical for elites to disregard citizen’s wishes like that? Maybe they should crowdfund NASA if they can’t convince people… Same goes for military spending IMHO…

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