After WW2, where did the idea of going to the moon came from?


After WW2, where did the idea of going to the moon came from?

In: 233

26 Answers

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USSR went to space in 1957, and the first human object on moon in 1959 with Luna 2, and thus established they had advanced ICBM technology and could park a bomb in your backyard before you knew one was on the way, the US in turn to make their program seem more peaceful (to sell it to their war weary people) vowed to put a human on the moon for all humanity as opposed to just a

When really they were just trying to catch up with USSR Nuclear delivery technology and it had really nothing about getting to the moon.

NASA was basically non-existant when Russia did their thing and the US needed to massively sway public opinion to do so, and nothing Americans love more then winning competitions.

Space programs in both USSR and the US were more about developing ability to deploy the recent Hydrogen Nuclear Weapon anywhere on the planet then they were about actually doing anything in space. But were sold as scientific for the between of humanity…when really they were developing our doom.

Hence why by the earlier 70s neither country gave a shit about the moon, and attention turned to establishing space bases where “anything” could happen. a race Ussr won as MIR was capable of being a nuclear platform with at the time “hypersonic” balistics and persisted for like 30 years, while the US answer Skylab was a failure (meant to do the same).

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