The 1-2 (sometimes 3 or more) is a speed switch. Depending on the type of material you’re drilling into different speeds may be desirable. It’s easier to have some presets rather than trying to modulate through the trigger because it’s less consistent that way.
The numbers are torque values. Of course whether the numbers mean foot pounds or newton meters or even just an arbitrary high low scale is not always clear. In general you use it with trial and error. If something is delicate and you don’t want to risk stripping the hole you can use a low setting and if it’s not enough give it more juice bit by bit. In time if you’re using the same tool you learn to intuitively set it at whichever number you want. Sure you could also just always use the highest setting and just be quick on the release but again if you’re after consistency it’s easier if you use those settings.
Then in many drills there’s also the option of a hammer function. Really all these depend on the material and application. For some these functionalities may be useless but for others they do a great deal in making the tool more versatile. Personally I usually tend to stick to impact drills for most applications but you’d be surprised to how many times I’ve used cheapo small battery drills to get work done. Even people with low demands and little need for these tools benefit from the multiple functionalities since it basically means they can get all work around the house done with a single small drill instead of having to buy multiple power tools.
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