>What makes it different from the other distributions?
– Packages are rolling release.
– It’s a highly modular and minimalist distro from the get-go with a lot of user-driven choices at install.
– Arch is [extremely well-documented](https://wiki.archlinux.org/).
– [Arch User Repository](https://aur.archlinux.org/), a popular community driven package repo.
> Why is there some weird elitism paralleled by disgust around it?
– The Arch ethos pushes self-learning and responsibility, as it’s well-documented but less forgiving for Linux newcomers than many well-packaged distributions. This creates a barrier to entry, for better or worse.
– Some elitists think their hands-on experience makes them hardcore. They conflate their experience with Arch being better.
– Several Arch-derived distributions exist, like Endeavor and Manjaro. OS differences or forum policy may lead to Arch users dismissing non-Arch questions on their forums, leading to disgruntled questioners and tired responders.
– Most often the elitism and disgust is feigned! It’s Linux humor.
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