It’s like when kids brags about lacing their own shoes. It is a big deal for them because it took a little more effort. But there are other kids who prefers laceless shoes, and it doesn’t mean that they don’t know how to tie a knot, but prefer simple things.
Speaking about arch, it’s a distro that has no versioning, so you’ll never have a major release (on the contrary of Ubuntu having one or two major releases per year, or Windows itself having Windows 8, 10, 11, etc). This means that with a simple command you’ll have your system up to date.
Also their package system is very efficient and fast (they use zstd for package compression). And if a package is not on their repositories, you can go to aur.archlinux to find a package “template” and build/install it with a single command, unlike debian/ubuntu which is more complicated to build a package from scratch.
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