are animals who walk on all fours in pain when they stand on two?


I see videos of bears standing on two feet and they look a bit uncomfortable and seem not to like standing like that for too long. It’s obviously not only bears but I just used it as an example.

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15 Answers

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TLDR: it’s uncomfortable. Like using your off-hand.

So this is going to be a sort of off-handedness. We spend our whole lives working with our dominant hand but the moment we decide we’re gonna try and throw with our left hand (or right hand, whichever isn’t dominant) it’s very uncomfortable and we look ridiculous. Well most animals, such as bears, have spent their whole lives on all fours so once they hop up to their two hind legs they’re uncomfortable and can’t balance as well as they’d like.

Bears, for instance have had to reason to adapt physically to be able to comfortably walk on 2 legs so it’s just not something they do very often. But, gorillas can be seen walking on 2 legs on occasion because their evolution process, in simple terms, created humans so walking on 2 feet was the way to go.

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