Are are zoo animal births less successful than in their natural habitats? If so… Why?


Are are zoo animal births less successful than in their natural habitats? If so… Why?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Zoo births are more successful, what tends to be problematic is the mother bonding and looking after the baby.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Zoo animals births are 1000x more successful than in the wild. Zoos aren’t just a place for entertainment.

It a rehabilitation center focusing on saving species.

If an animal is born in a zoo there’s a WHOLE medical staff ready to jump in if there’s any signs of distress or issues. The baby then gets checked their shots and reintroduce to their mother and monitored closely by the staff. To ensure its health

They don’t have that in the wild. Especially predators. Ready to kill the newborn.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re a lot more successful because the animals are healthy, somewhere safe, and have vets on hand to help if something goes wrong. Wild animals die in birth all the time but zoos do everything they can to avoid this.