I just drove past a field of cows and there were babies too. The calfs we’re so cute! But it got me thinking… When cows make milk it usually goes to their babies, right? So how is it that we have constant stores of milk and cheese at the supermarket? Do we only get milk from cows who’s calfs didn’t make it (passed away)? Or is it that cows always have milk so it’s no big deal if we take it instead of it going to a calf? Need some dairy farmers to help me out with this one please!
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Yeah they only give milk because they are mothers, and unfortunately a lot of horrible stuff happens in dairy production to both the mothers and the babies.
I highly recommend [this documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko) narrated by Joaquim Phoenix starting at 53:04 for a behind the scenes look of dairy.
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