I just drove past a field of cows and there were babies too. The calfs we’re so cute! But it got me thinking… When cows make milk it usually goes to their babies, right? So how is it that we have constant stores of milk and cheese at the supermarket? Do we only get milk from cows who’s calfs didn’t make it (passed away)? Or is it that cows always have milk so it’s no big deal if we take it instead of it going to a calf? Need some dairy farmers to help me out with this one please!
In: 1
You’re right – the only animals that produce milk are mothers. But generally, in mass producing dairy farms, the cows don’t get pregnant naturally. The mothers get artificially inseminated, get pregnant, give birth to their young, the young are stolen from her and reared for beef or dairy or killed if no use, leaving her in a continual state of distress and grief, usually chained to bars and pumped for milk before the artificial insemination process starts again so she can produce more milk. The reason for the abundance of dairy products is because of this wide-scale non-surrendering abuse. Dairy farmers on a smaller scale may proclaim she’s in a more habitable environment and any other line to make you feel it’s more ethical, but the cows mostly all end up the same way… and in any case, 100% of the produce you get from shops and supermarkets that you refer to are attained from the mass-producing dairy farms.
If you want further information “Earthling Ed” is a great educator on YouTube.
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