Are my Bohemian ancestors and my Czechoslovakian ancestors the same ethnic group and/or culture?


My mom’s side of the family has a list of what ethnicities we have. Bohemian and Czechoslovakian are both on that list as completely separate ethnicities. Recently someone told me that they’re actually the exact same thing. I found sources confirming that, but I also found sources saying that Bohemia is a part of Czechoslovakia (an “all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs” kind of situation). Then my ADHD got me down a Wikipedia rabbit hole before I could find a clear answer as to which is correct, and now my brain hurts too much to keep searching. Please help me.

In: 27

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to what others have already stated it would suggest to me that these ancestors migrated at different times. Czechoslovakia existed from 1918 to 1992 and, being a nationality rather than an ethnic group, suggest this ancestor immigrated during this period. Someone calling themselves Bohemian is less definitive but suggests to me that they immigrated before 1918 when Bohemia was part of Austria-Hungary or Austria.

As an aside your Czechoslovak ancestor may have been from Slovakian and therefore of a slightly different ethnicity than your Czech Bohemian ancestor. And of course since both are regional/national descriptors it is possible that they were of locally ethnic minorities. Possibly German or Hungarian for example.

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