Are there any large investments being made to desalinate ocean water and turn the purified water into hydrogen fuel like NASA’s plan to do with lunar ice water? eli5


Are there any large investments being made to desalinate ocean water and turn the purified water into hydrogen fuel like NASA’s plan to do with lunar ice water? eli5

In: 69

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Billionaires have all the water they need and we can go fuck ourselves. They will keep us poor hungry and sick so we dont nail their fucking heads to the nearest tree.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both desalination and hydrogen production are an energy problem not an engineering one. Every company or lab working on reducing energy costs are in a way working on these technologies, because with plentiful, cheap energy it becomes commercially viable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those seem like two separate processes which don’t need to be combined.

Look up ‘green hydrogen’ to find water being turned into hydrogen or amonia. Also new technology is enabling natural gas power plants to burn a % of hydrogen or amonia along with natural gas.

Desalination is its own thing and very power intensive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To answer the question literally: yes!
And although it is inefficient and expensive, hydrogen is seen as a significant part of a low-carbon future world economy if we are to stop climate disaster. Countries with abundant sunshine or wind could export hydrogen (potentially).
For more detail, here are some links:
There are several large projects at various stages of financing for large scale green hydrogen production, some using desalination.