aren’t all the soaps antibacterial? How come some soaps (e.g. Dove) don’t mention anything about its antibacterial properties?


aren’t all the soaps antibacterial? How come some soaps (e.g. Dove) don’t mention anything about its antibacterial properties?

In: 149

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, all soaps can clean dirt and bacteria away but there’s an extra ingredient in some not found in soaps like Caress. Also, Dove markets exclusively to women. Stronger antibacterial soaps throw off the pH and ‘lady’ environment if left there too long. From a marketing standpoint, why bother getting blamed should women leave it down there longer, trusting Dove promoted as gentle and get yeast infections? Ivory is pure, not gentle but common sense is there to rinse. Irish Spring’s for grown men, so is Dial. Pretty rough soaps…

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