aren’t all the soaps antibacterial? How come some soaps (e.g. Dove) don’t mention anything about its antibacterial properties?


aren’t all the soaps antibacterial? How come some soaps (e.g. Dove) don’t mention anything about its antibacterial properties?

In: 149

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s marketing trick. Post and amid Corona pandemic I’ve been noticing a lot of of soaps are now labeled ‘antibacterial’. Previous not so much.

Your greasy hands are covered with oil that is naturally secreted from your skin. That oil protects your skin but also traps dirt and germs. The main function of soap is to wash away that dirty oil layer, and thus also wash away dirt and germ, bacteria, viruses, you name it. Soap naturally can also kill some germs, but that takes time, because penetration though the cell wall takes time. But its main function still is to remove the unwanted.

So soap is a great invention that is so basic and simple in its ingredient, but does its job really well. For lay people and greedy corporate men, that’s apparently not enough. Now they add some ingredients are known having bacteria-killing or bacteria-deactivating properties like Triclosan for example to the soap and PR that as the better soap. Because if the product is the same as the competitors, it won’t sell.

But little they know that that ingredient albeit can somewhat kill the bacteria in your 20 second hand washing session, it can also f*k your endocrine system up, and do many side-effect dumb things, also bring a risk of introducing new kind of drug resistant bacteria. The end-effect of using antibacterial soap is unknown, compared to normal soap.

It’s all about marketing and tricking the consumers.

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