Aside from being illegal, what keeps people from flying drones into major events?


Illegal or not, people do things they shouldn’t. I’m surprised we’ve never seen a drone interfering at the Super Bowl or buzzing a golfer this weekend at Augusta. Seems like they could fly in from a long way away, zip out and dodge any police and even land far away if piloted from a moving car. Almost impossible to catch mid flight. So why hasn’t some nefarious individual done this yet? Transponder type identification on those things?

In: 341

120 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are commercial drone and drone operator detectors like DJI AeroScope. All DJI drones transmit your location and your drones location whenever it is running. That is part of the EULA when you purchase one. We also know that Russia is using drone and operator detectors based on the combat footage of drone operators launching a drone and then immediately taking mortar rounds. There are also anti drone jammers/disablers both electronic and physical. I suspect that many law enforcement agencies have them since they already have stingray’s and armored military vehicles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are commercial drone and drone operator detectors like DJI AeroScope. All DJI drones transmit your location and your drones location whenever it is running. That is part of the EULA when you purchase one. We also know that Russia is using drone and operator detectors based on the combat footage of drone operators launching a drone and then immediately taking mortar rounds. There are also anti drone jammers/disablers both electronic and physical. I suspect that many law enforcement agencies have them since they already have stingray’s and armored military vehicles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s pretty easy to prevent drones from flying where they shouldn’t. Most commercial ones have no fly zones programmed into them and this can’t always be easily circumvented on those that fly using a GPS system. There are also drone jammers available that many facilities use to prevent most commercial drones from being able to fly in those areas.

Those are the most common methods employed which prevents the majority of people from flying a drone where they shouldn’t. Then again there’s a countermeasure for seemingly everything if someone is dead set on doing it. After all drones can be highly customisable and if someone knows what measure they’re trying to get past they can make a drone that circumvents it.

But that leads us to the issue of motive. Why would someone go through so much trouble to fly a drone in the super bowl or over a golf course. What do they stand to gain from it? They do have a lot to lose if caught and just like they can circumvent security measures, they can also be tracked and caught. A drone can’t have infinite range and even if it has enormous range this makes it easier to track the control signal. Do not doubt that people are using drones for nefarious purposes, such as drug trafficking, spying, or other things, but those drones you won’t see flying on national tv.

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are commercial drone and drone operator detectors like DJI AeroScope. All DJI drones transmit your location and your drones location whenever it is running. That is part of the EULA when you purchase one. We also know that Russia is using drone and operator detectors based on the combat footage of drone operators launching a drone and then immediately taking mortar rounds. There are also anti drone jammers/disablers both electronic and physical. I suspect that many law enforcement agencies have them since they already have stingray’s and armored military vehicles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There was a company in the plaza I worked at that specifically did drone defense systems for situations like these. Scored a bunch of cases and such out of the dumpsters for drones they killed doing testing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There was a company in the plaza I worked at that specifically did drone defense systems for situations like these. Scored a bunch of cases and such out of the dumpsters for drones they killed doing testing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There was a company in the plaza I worked at that specifically did drone defense systems for situations like these. Scored a bunch of cases and such out of the dumpsters for drones they killed doing testing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In regards to the US :

Soon, every drone over 250g in weight will be required to be registered with the FAA and have a transponder that transmits telemetry, serial number, and operator location.

DJI , which has about 70% of the market share, has most (if not all) of their drones do this already. Those drones can also have software restrictions on where they can fly.

Important events will have anti-drone capabilities. Even if you homebuild, there’s still a chance of components being traced or a forensic analysis linking it to the owner if it’s recovered.

But in the end, it boils down to every other law. Compliance is not guaranteed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In regards to the US :

Soon, every drone over 250g in weight will be required to be registered with the FAA and have a transponder that transmits telemetry, serial number, and operator location.

DJI , which has about 70% of the market share, has most (if not all) of their drones do this already. Those drones can also have software restrictions on where they can fly.

Important events will have anti-drone capabilities. Even if you homebuild, there’s still a chance of components being traced or a forensic analysis linking it to the owner if it’s recovered.

But in the end, it boils down to every other law. Compliance is not guaranteed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In regards to the US :

Soon, every drone over 250g in weight will be required to be registered with the FAA and have a transponder that transmits telemetry, serial number, and operator location.

DJI , which has about 70% of the market share, has most (if not all) of their drones do this already. Those drones can also have software restrictions on where they can fly.

Important events will have anti-drone capabilities. Even if you homebuild, there’s still a chance of components being traced or a forensic analysis linking it to the owner if it’s recovered.

But in the end, it boils down to every other law. Compliance is not guaranteed.