Aside from being illegal, what keeps people from flying drones into major events?


Illegal or not, people do things they shouldn’t. I’m surprised we’ve never seen a drone interfering at the Super Bowl or buzzing a golfer this weekend at Augusta. Seems like they could fly in from a long way away, zip out and dodge any police and even land far away if piloted from a moving car. Almost impossible to catch mid flight. So why hasn’t some nefarious individual done this yet? Transponder type identification on those things?

In: 341

120 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dji for example can share your location with local authorities if needed.

this way they will arrive before you even lift off

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dji for example can share your location with local authorities if needed.

this way they will arrive before you even lift off

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing to remember is that drones don’t have that long of a flying time. Maybe half an hour at most, and that’s for a pretty expensive one (one that you don’t want the cops to take). Most toy ones will last for about 10 minutes. There is a limit of how much disruption you can cause in that amount of time, especially if you are launching from a safe distance away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing to remember is that drones don’t have that long of a flying time. Maybe half an hour at most, and that’s for a pretty expensive one (one that you don’t want the cops to take). Most toy ones will last for about 10 minutes. There is a limit of how much disruption you can cause in that amount of time, especially if you are launching from a safe distance away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have also been curious about this. I have a DJI that limits me where I can fly, but I have thought about using the “fake gps” app on my phone to trick the drone.

I may try it next time I am at the airport. Not actually fly it anywhere but see if it will takeoff in the restricted area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have also been curious about this. I have a DJI that limits me where I can fly, but I have thought about using the “fake gps” app on my phone to trick the drone.

I may try it next time I am at the airport. Not actually fly it anywhere but see if it will takeoff in the restricted area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing to remember is that drones don’t have that long of a flying time. Maybe half an hour at most, and that’s for a pretty expensive one (one that you don’t want the cops to take). Most toy ones will last for about 10 minutes. There is a limit of how much disruption you can cause in that amount of time, especially if you are launching from a safe distance away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

10 years ago this dude figured this out.

Not sure why it’s not in use now.

Anonymous 0 Comments

10 years ago this dude figured this out.

Not sure why it’s not in use now.

Anonymous 0 Comments

10 years ago this dude figured this out.

Not sure why it’s not in use now.