Aside from being illegal, what keeps people from flying drones into major events?


Illegal or not, people do things they shouldn’t. I’m surprised we’ve never seen a drone interfering at the Super Bowl or buzzing a golfer this weekend at Augusta. Seems like they could fly in from a long way away, zip out and dodge any police and even land far away if piloted from a moving car. Almost impossible to catch mid flight. So why hasn’t some nefarious individual done this yet? Transponder type identification on those things?

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120 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

I have also been curious about this. I have a DJI that limits me where I can fly, but I have thought about using the “fake gps” app on my phone to trick the drone.

I may try it next time I am at the airport. Not actually fly it anywhere but see if it will takeoff in the restricted area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During the wild fires in my state a couple of years ago they kept having to ground all of the aircraft trying to put out the fires because people wouldn’t stop flying drones in the area. The news kept begging people to stop but they just kept doing it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of drones have built in systems to avoid flying in areas like geo fences.

There also the consequences like I remember there was drone activity around I think it was dubai Airport, they apparently called in the cavalry and shot it down. No idea if they caught the culprit but if they didn’t then at the very least they lose a really expensive drone, if they get caught then who knows what charges they’ll face.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During the wild fires in my state a couple of years ago they kept having to ground all of the aircraft trying to put out the fires because people wouldn’t stop flying drones in the area. The news kept begging people to stop but they just kept doing it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have drones, all DJIs.
1. They weren’t too expensive, but expensive enough that I don’t want to have to re-buy one if I crash it or get it confiscated.
2. I don’t feel like making the FAA mad, that seems like a bad time.
3. I once accidentally tried to fly over a no-fly zone and my drone was not having it. It just landed. Your drone landing away from you is scary business, because it can get destroyed or lost pretty easily, so most drone pilots don’t want that.
4. People DO act like dicks with drones. I try really hard to be respectful and shit, but I’ve been harassed for flying my drone, and all I ever fly over is nature.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During the wild fires in my state a couple of years ago they kept having to ground all of the aircraft trying to put out the fires because people wouldn’t stop flying drones in the area. The news kept begging people to stop but they just kept doing it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have drones, all DJIs.
1. They weren’t too expensive, but expensive enough that I don’t want to have to re-buy one if I crash it or get it confiscated.
2. I don’t feel like making the FAA mad, that seems like a bad time.
3. I once accidentally tried to fly over a no-fly zone and my drone was not having it. It just landed. Your drone landing away from you is scary business, because it can get destroyed or lost pretty easily, so most drone pilots don’t want that.
4. People DO act like dicks with drones. I try really hard to be respectful and shit, but I’ve been harassed for flying my drone, and all I ever fly over is nature.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have drones, all DJIs.
1. They weren’t too expensive, but expensive enough that I don’t want to have to re-buy one if I crash it or get it confiscated.
2. I don’t feel like making the FAA mad, that seems like a bad time.
3. I once accidentally tried to fly over a no-fly zone and my drone was not having it. It just landed. Your drone landing away from you is scary business, because it can get destroyed or lost pretty easily, so most drone pilots don’t want that.
4. People DO act like dicks with drones. I try really hard to be respectful and shit, but I’ve been harassed for flying my drone, and all I ever fly over is nature.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I suppose for fear of losing it or having it confiscated.. they cost quite a bit right ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of drones have built in systems to avoid flying in areas like geo fences.

There also the consequences like I remember there was drone activity around I think it was dubai Airport, they apparently called in the cavalry and shot it down. No idea if they caught the culprit but if they didn’t then at the very least they lose a really expensive drone, if they get caught then who knows what charges they’ll face.

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