Aside from being illegal, what keeps people from flying drones into major events?


Illegal or not, people do things they shouldn’t. I’m surprised we’ve never seen a drone interfering at the Super Bowl or buzzing a golfer this weekend at Augusta. Seems like they could fly in from a long way away, zip out and dodge any police and even land far away if piloted from a moving car. Almost impossible to catch mid flight. So why hasn’t some nefarious individual done this yet? Transponder type identification on those things?

In: 341

120 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of drones have built in systems to avoid flying in areas like geo fences.

There also the consequences like I remember there was drone activity around I think it was dubai Airport, they apparently called in the cavalry and shot it down. No idea if they caught the culprit but if they didn’t then at the very least they lose a really expensive drone, if they get caught then who knows what charges they’ll face.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was at a minor league baseball game that was delayed due to someone flying a drone overhead. It ended being a guy from the neighborhood behind the stadium just testing out a new drone, but the players weren’t permitted to take the field until it was gone. Police were called and everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I suppose for fear of losing it or having it confiscated.. they cost quite a bit right ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I suppose for fear of losing it or having it confiscated.. they cost quite a bit right ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Major events have major security. An unidentified drone just popping in is a major security risk, it would be shot down immediately.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Major events have major security. An unidentified drone just popping in is a major security risk, it would be shot down immediately.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was at a minor league baseball game that was delayed due to someone flying a drone overhead. It ended being a guy from the neighborhood behind the stadium just testing out a new drone, but the players weren’t permitted to take the field until it was gone. Police were called and everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was at a minor league baseball game that was delayed due to someone flying a drone overhead. It ended being a guy from the neighborhood behind the stadium just testing out a new drone, but the players weren’t permitted to take the field until it was gone. Police were called and everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was at a AAA baseball game last summer that was delayed on three separate occasions for the same drone buzzing about. When we left the stadium the police (they’re there working traffic for the the games all the time anyway) were all a buzz about it. I think they found the pilot and were holding him.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Major events have major security. An unidentified drone just popping in is a major security risk, it would be shot down immediately.

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