Aside from being illegal, what keeps people from flying drones into major events?


Illegal or not, people do things they shouldn’t. I’m surprised we’ve never seen a drone interfering at the Super Bowl or buzzing a golfer this weekend at Augusta. Seems like they could fly in from a long way away, zip out and dodge any police and even land far away if piloted from a moving car. Almost impossible to catch mid flight. So why hasn’t some nefarious individual done this yet? Transponder type identification on those things?

In: 341

120 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was at a AAA baseball game last summer that was delayed on three separate occasions for the same drone buzzing about. When we left the stadium the police (they’re there working traffic for the the games all the time anyway) were all a buzz about it. I think they found the pilot and were holding him.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was at a AAA baseball game last summer that was delayed on three separate occasions for the same drone buzzing about. When we left the stadium the police (they’re there working traffic for the the games all the time anyway) were all a buzz about it. I think they found the pilot and were holding him.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You cite two pretty mundane examples – annoying and distracting events at sporting events. My mind goes to a darker place – why has no one used a drone to pilot an explosive device into a crowd of protesters, or make some political statement by detonating it in Times Square on New Year’s Eve? I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t happened yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You cite two pretty mundane examples – annoying and distracting events at sporting events. My mind goes to a darker place – why has no one used a drone to pilot an explosive device into a crowd of protesters, or make some political statement by detonating it in Times Square on New Year’s Eve? I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t happened yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While the Blue Angels were doing covid flyovers over cities during 2020 , there were drones getting into their flashlight leading them to end the routine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You cite two pretty mundane examples – annoying and distracting events at sporting events. My mind goes to a darker place – why has no one used a drone to pilot an explosive device into a crowd of protesters, or make some political statement by detonating it in Times Square on New Year’s Eve? I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t happened yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While the Blue Angels were doing covid flyovers over cities during 2020 , there were drones getting into their flashlight leading them to end the routine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While the Blue Angels were doing covid flyovers over cities during 2020 , there were drones getting into their flashlight leading them to end the routine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who works at a ballpark, they do fly them in. On average we get one per game. They have software that tracks it and locates the operator. The police are very quick to go have a chat with them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who works at a ballpark, they do fly them in. On average we get one per game. They have software that tracks it and locates the operator. The police are very quick to go have a chat with them.