The electric motor is far superior to a combustion engine when it comes to generating power (making wheels spin). Torque delivery, efficiency, harshness, quietness, durability and longevity, all of these are much much better in an electric motor.
I always tell people that wonder about maintenance and life with an EV to think about their lithium power drill vs their gas powered hedge trimmer. Obviously a silly simplification, but it does help illustrate the maintenance differences for the drivetrain itself (virtually zero for EV vs regular oil changes + more on gas cars)
The problem with electric vehicles, and the question, is whether current battery tech is advanced enough for society to switch over. It probably isn’t, yet, on a major scale due to materials needed and energy density limitations (weight and size). However, I would argue a good modern EV, even with its limitations, is more than capable of replacing the average consumers gas car.
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