Aspartame is about to be proclaimed by the WHO as a possible carcinogen. What makes this any different from beer and wine, which are known to be carcinogenic already?


Obviously, alcoholic drinks present other dangers (driving drunk, alcoholism), but my question is specifically related to the cancer-causing nature of aspartame-sweetend soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, comparatively.

In: 1668

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aspartame is evil. In 1992, I banned it and every other artificial sweetener from my house. If we want sweet, it is sugar, Maple syrup or honey.

The reason for this is that I used to drink soda. Maybe averaged 3-4 cans a week. Usually Diet Coke. The reactions started with breakouts of hives on the back of my head and hands. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth, headaches and dizziness. One day, I was working outside on re- planting my front lawn. Hot day, sweating. I had drank 2 Diet Cokes and I was not feeling well. My back itched like crazy. I asked my wife to look at my back and she freaked out. It was covered with hives.

Next day, I went to my Dr. He did blood tests and a couple days later called me and wanted me to come to his office to discuss test results. He wouldn’t tell me over the phone. He told me that the results indicated that I had lymphatic cancer but he wanted me to go to a hospital cancer center immediately for further testing.

I went to University of Michigan hospital ( a great facility!). They ran a bunch of tests and said ” great news! You do not have cancer, but…you are really messed up!” So, they sent me to their allergy center. The allergy center determined that I was allergic to ” everything “. They figured it was a systemic issue and sent me to their poison control center. They acknowledged I was messed up. They detected low levels of formaldehyde in my system but nothing conclusive.

I was put on a very strict diet and added things very slowly. The symptoms decreased gradually over the next month and had mostly disappeared. Then, I had a Diet Coke and within 20 minutes, BAM! I felt like I was gonna die. I rushed to the hospital as my whole body was breaking out in hives and swelling. My eyes swelled shut and my breathing was difficult. The hospital pumped me full of steroids and whatever and I recovered knowing what was causing my issues.

After that, I banned artificial sweetener from my house. Because we didn’t want the empty calories, it had the dual effect of keeping all soda pop from my house which had saved thousands of dollars and millions of calories. Since my kids grew up without soda pop, none of them drink it as adults. Of my 5 brothers and sisters, I am the least heavy and I am the only non diabetic.

I hate aspartame.

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