At what point can an astronaut take off their helmet and why do they need to wear one for take off? (Asked by an actual 5 year old)


At what point can an astronaut take off their helmet and why do they need to wear one for take off? (Asked by an actual 5 year old)

In: Physics

18 Answers

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So… Spaceman fly really fast on really really big rocket spaceship. The helmet protects spaceman in case he fall down go boom, or if rocket like firecracker go bang! When rocket spaceship gets really high, rocket and spaceship say bye bye to each other and rocket go back down; make big splash in ocean. Spaceship stays, flies around in space and do cool science stuff. Space is vacuum… Not like Dyson vacuum. Vacuum also means no air to breath and no air pressure. When spaceman knows that spaceship won’t blow up go boom, and in space really high, then spaceman take helmet off… Unless he throw up. If spaceman throw up, he leave helmet on so other spaceman don’t throw up too.

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