Avogadro’s number


I am taking a combined bio+A&P course and the whole molecules and atoms mess is confusing, but I’m getting it. But I can’t wrap my head around Avogadro’s number. Please help?

Edit: Thank you everyone! This was a huge help!!

In: 23

8 Answers

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Some numbers we give special names.

For instance, the number 12 is called a dozen. The reason 12 gets a special name it is a commonly used number and places like bakeries adopted it usage.

Similarly, Avogadro came up with a really useful number that simplifies communicating about large numbers of atoms and molecules. Instead of saying I have 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of water, you can say I have 0.17 mol of water. It’s just an easier way to speak and write.

It’s the same reason astronomers use light years and not feet or meters.

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