Bachelor, Master’s, PhD: How does the system work?

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I am a person who don’t know much about the system in higher education

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7 Answers

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A two year degree is called an Associates. It shows that you have experience in a field but nothing major.

A four year degree is a Bachelors. This is really what people look for on job applications.

Masters programs are more rigorous and harder to get into, and require a Bachelors degree in a related field and usually some work experience as well. Depending on the program, these will take 2-3 years.

Above that is a Doctorate, which is the highest degree one could really achieve. They can last between 3-8 years depending on the field.

A PhD is not a degree per say, but is sometimes rewarded when completing a Doctorate. It signifies that you make some discovery or breakthrough that furthered human knowledge in a specific field.

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