I was watching a YouTuber I watch regularly who shows off and explains both old and new audio and video technology. Mostly vintage though. It got me thinking about when I was a kid watching movies on vhs. Then I started wondering how did they make millions of copies of a movie for home release? I tried googling it, but all I found were old forums where it was explained in very technical terms that i couldn’t wrap my head around. How are vhs tapes duplicated en mass for home release?
In: 5
If you’re into that kind of thing I would suggest a TV show from the late 90s called The Secret Life of Machines. Tim Hunkin, the host, has a youtube channel and has remastered and uploaded all the old episodes. He has an episode on VCRs, https://youtu.be/g1JlUcFKm5o
Also check out Technology Connections, https://youtube.com/@TechnologyConnections
Make sure to watch Technology Connections with subtitles on, he hides jokes in the subtitles.
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