Baseball Balk Rule


Last night Reds v. D’backs ends in a balk. The pitcher didn’t look as of he did anything special. I looked up videos and articles and I still do not understand what is a balk.
What is a balk? When is it not a balk?

In: 168

16 Answers

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It was a balk because he raised his hand to put it in the glove (something he normally does) but then moved his hand back to its original position, then moved it to put it in the glove again. Basically, a really big ‘flinch’. When pitching, every motion has to be deliberate. If you have an itch to scratch, or wipe your hands on your pants, you have to step off the rubber first.
As of this year, that is a ‘disengagement’ and the pitcher only gets 2 per batter. if they take a third and don’t get a runner out, its an automatic balk.

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