Baseball Balk Rule


Last night Reds v. D’backs ends in a balk. The pitcher didn’t look as of he did anything special. I looked up videos and articles and I still do not understand what is a balk.
What is a balk? When is it not a balk?

In: 168

16 Answers

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Short version: The pitcher makes the first move to start a pitch but doesn’t actually pitch the ball.

For example: the pitcher is at the rubber, feet together, facing the plate. A standard move toward the plate involves lifting your heel, pulling your leg forward or back (depends on the pitcher and the pitch being thrown), starting your windup, and then throwing the pitch.

If the pitcher lifts his right heel and puts it back down without continuing the motion and throwing the pitch, it’s a balk.

And it definitely seems umpires are being WAY more anal about balk calls this season.

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